Dear Members, I hope this message finds you well and coping with the frustrations of the latest national lockdown?
As usual Sunday 28th Feb will be Clacton Sailing Club’s Membership Day. This cannot involve the usual social gathering together in the clubhouse, but the committee has been working hard to help to make this a smooth on-line process this year. Membership Fees
In recognition that many existing members were unable to enjoy club benefits last year it has been agreed that 2021 membership fees for all current members will be extended for free for the 2021 season.
Compound fees
These are unchanged this year and will become payable on the 28th Feb as usual. As an additional concession the deadline for storage fees this year has been extended until May 2nd
Voluntary Contributions
Due to careful stewardship of club funds over recent years together with a Council Covid hardship fund CSC has sufficient reserves to ride out the storm. While we have been able to reduce outgoings, we would of course welcome without prejudice any additional voluntary contributions for anyone who feels able to support the club through these lean times.
Action Required
To claim your free membership year and to continue receiving gate codes all we ask is that you complete the membership form on the new website before the 28th Feb. Please go to the ‘Shop’ page where compound fees and any additional voluntary contributions can be paid online using card or bank transfer. For this year only existing members should use the promotional code and the membership fees will automatically be discounted to zero.
Alternately we will be able to accept cash, cheque, or card payments in person in the compound once we have access under Covid rules. As a polite reminder compound fees will be considered over-due after May 2nd this year.
If anyone has difficulties competing the renewal process online feel free to contact Barry by using the Chat buttons on the bottom right of the website.