Mal Law
Responsibility overall for the Club and members.
Responsibility overall for the club and members.
Figure head of club.
Ensure that sub committees run smoothly.
Chair committee meetings.
New ideas for improving the club.
Ensure officers have things under control.
Represent club at functions.
Recommend honorary membership.
Michael Gutteridge
Vice Commodore
Overall charge of all sailing matters.
Overall charge of all sailing matters.
Set up and run sailing committee.
Organise sailing (race & family) for the club calendar.
Organise training events.
Organise other sailing and sailing orientated events.
Responsible for safety boat and tractor maintenance.
Pete Boxer
Rear Commodore
Overall responsibility for the social life of the Club.
Overall responsibility for the social life of the club.
To enlist and run house & wines committee.
Organise social events.
Responsible for fabric of the building.
Overall responsibility of the bar.
Responsible for key distribution (make & maintain chart/list).
Main club contact.
Main club contact.
Legal representative of the club.
Communication with necessary parties unless delegated by the committee elsewhere.
Coordinate all information.
Taking and typing of the minutes.
Notify members of the AGM.
Notify members of their committee.
Notify other organisations of events and contacts.
Notify T.D.C. and police of relevant matters.
Arrange bar extensions.
Issue invitations to events (e.g. T.D.C., other clubs and organisations etc).
Allan Griffiths
Control of Club funds.
Control of club funds.
Production of accounts.
Financial budgeting.
Payment of bills.
Banking of club income.
Peter Lyall
Membership Secretary
Responsible for Membership to the club.
Responsible for all matters relating to membership subscriptions.
Maintain and update the membership database.
Send new members receipts for social and sailing calendars for payment.
Send reminder letters for non-payment of subscription and boat compound fees.
Report membership for new and ceased or changed details to Committee.
Sailing Secretary
Responsibility to Vice Commodore for sailing.
Responsibility to Vice Commodore for sailing.
Help organise sailing committee.
Organise rotas for officer of the day, race officer and support boat cover.
Check that above are aware of their duties.
Social Secretary
Responsibility to the Rear Commodore.
Responsibility to the Rear Commodore.
Assist with house & wines committee.
Organise and run galley rotas.
Check cleanliness of galley.
Check galley stocks.
Check condition of galley equipment.
Neil Warn
Responsible to the Rear Commodore.
Responsible to the Rear Commodore.
Bar rota for calendar.
Responsibility for stocking of the bar.
Ensuring the bar is clean.
Check float levels are adequate.
Keeping record of takings.
Money taken to Treasurer.
Ensure the maximum amount of cash we are insured for is not exceeded.
Michael Gutteridge
Mal Law
Maintenance of the fabric of the Clubhouse and Compound as required.
Maintenance of the fabric of the clubhouse as required.
Reports to Rear Commodore.
Pete Boxer
Compound Officer
Responsibility for Compound maintenance & upkeep.
Responsibility for compound maintenance & upkeep.
Responsibility for ensuring members keep their boat and boat spaces in a condition that will not be dangerous to other boats or members (i.e. tied down and rigging OK).
Allocation of boat spaces.
Press & Publicity Officer
Issue press releases and reports to media.
Issue press releases and reports to media.
Publicise club events.
Issue periodic editions of sailing scene.
Encourage local businesses to advertise in sailing scene/websites.
Encourage club members to participate in forthcoming races and social events.
Lee Stone
Members Member
Dr Torsten Marquard
Cadet Steer
Guidance of cadet committee.
Guidance of cadet committee.
Enable cadet projects.
Adult (if necessary) representative on main committee.
Paul Peck
Fishing Representative
Responsibility for fishing members.
Responsibility for fishing members.
To encourage fishing members.